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Acupuncture Gynecology:
From Menarche to Menopause

Restoring the Flow: Acupuncture in Gynecology

Elias Lu, DTCM,

Acupuncture Physician

Point of Cure Acupuncture and Electromedicine in Tampa Bay, Florida

Woman wrapped up in pink clothing
  • Menstrual disorders such as abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, and PCOS are common in women

  • Pharmacological treatment options are limited

  • Acupuncture is an effective and inexpensive alternative to hormone therapy

Women’s Health

Benign gynecological conditions – such as menstrual disorders, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, leiomyomas, etc. – are a major source of suffering and poor quality of life for women and girls worldwide. Many of these disorders are associated with hormonal imbalance, particularly estrogen and progesterone. Although it has obvious therapeutic effect in the short term, repeated use of hormone therapy is associated with significant side effects. Symptoms often return when medications are stopped.



Thus, it comes as no surprise that so many women are increasingly turning to acupuncture for natural and drug free relief. And with a good reason. Acupuncture has a lot to offer! As far back as in 1237 AD, the Chinese published the first gynecology book, The Complete Book of Effective Prescriptions for Diseases of Women.


A Bit of Science

We still don’t fully understand how acupuncture works. Studies suggest that acupuncture may work by way of one or several of the following mechanisms:


  • Stimulating blood flow to the uterus through inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system

  • Lowering insulin resistance (via the regulation of adipose tissue metabolism)

  • Regulating leptin, the thyroid gland, and the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal cortex axis

  • Modulating the serum estradiol levels

  • Lowering stress hormones (cortisol and prolactin)

  • Reducing hyperandrogenism

  • Increasing endogenous opioids, serotonin, and dopamine

  • Reducing inflammation through both humoral and neural mechanisms


Acupuncture Gynecology

Acupuncture has been found effective for the following conditions:



Menopause often brings with it vasomotor and psychological symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irritability, palpitations, headaches, insomnia, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and dizzy spells. Fortunately, acupuncture can help! It has been shown to target the root cause of the problem – hormonal imbalances, allowing women to age gracefully and peacefully.


Menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea, irregular cycle, prolonged menstrual bleeding, heavy period, etc.)

Acupuncture is reasonably successful for regulating the menstrual cycle in women with irregular periods or when the period is absent (amenorrhea).


Pelvic pain

Acupuncture has been shown to help with conditions like endometriosis, adenomyosis, leiomyomas (uterine fibroids). In fact, endometriosis is among the most common gynecologic disorders affecting women of reproductive age.


Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Many women struggle with cramping, headaches, water retention, or mood swings appearing during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Dozens of studies, both human and animal, have supported the beneficial effects of acupuncture in treating PMS.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS, with a prevalence of about10%, has become the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age, in part due to the epidemic of obesity. This condition is characterized by chronic anovulation, insulinemia, and hyperandrogenism. Acupuncture (along with aggressive weight loss) is effective in normalizing neuroendocrine dysregulation and restoring regular menstruation.


Reproductive disorders

Multiple studies have demonstrated that acupuncture can indeed help conceive. Beyond reducing the stress of trying for a baby, acupuncture can regulate ovulation, lighten cervical mucosa, and improve blood flow to the uterus. Additionally, acupuncture may help relieve side effects from fertility drugs, like bloating and nausea. 



High stress is associated with poor sleep affecting all other aspects of woman’s health. Acupuncture can restore the body’s natural circadian rhythm to make your sleep more restful.


The Bottom Line

Acupuncture, a key modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has earned its place in the American healthcare. While the mechanisms behind acupuncture remain obscure, its efficacy is undisputed. Women of all ages seeking an alternative to toxic drugs and irreversible surgery find relief at our downtown St. Pete clinic. Call 727-252-6060 to schedule a FREE acupuncture session today and experience The Power of Touch!



Bishop, K. C., Ford, A. C., Kuller, J. A., & Dotters-Katz, S. (2019). Acupuncture in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Obstetrical & gynecological survey, 74(4), 241–251.


Penn Y. Y. (2018). Acupuncture treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding in an adolescent. BMJ case reports, 2018, bcr2018224725.


Sung, S. H., Sung, A. D., Sung, H. K., An, T. E., Kim, K. H., & Park, J. K. (2018). Acupuncture Treatment for Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2018, 9415897.


Zhang, J., Cao, L., Wang, Y., Jin, Y., Xiao, X., & Zhang, Q. (2019). Acupuncture for Premenstrual Syndrome at Different Intervention Time: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 2019, 6246285.

doctor's picture

Dr. Elias Lu, DTCM is an acupuncture physician with Point of Cure Acupuncture and Electromedicine. In practice for over 25 years, he integrates traditional Chinese medicine with modern functional therapies to help people with chronic pain, trauma, neurodegenerative disorders, anxiety, depression, and many other life's challenges.

The Power of Touch

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St. Pete location or schedule a house call




Acupoint injection



Compounded creams


Dry needling


IM injections

Low-dose naltrexone

Lymphatic detoxification

Microcurrent Therapy

Microwave resonance

Neural therapy

Oxygen therapy

Pellet hormone therapy

PEMF acupuncture


Scalp acupuncture

TCM acupuncture

Trigger point injection

Vagal nerve stimulation

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