Acupuncture in
Neurological Clinic
Balancing the Currents: Acupuncture for Neurological Conditions
Elias Lu, DTCM,
Acupuncture Physician
Point of Cure Acupuncture and Electromedicine in Tampa Bay, Florida
Neurological conditions are a major cause of illness, disability, and premature death
New research supports the use of acupuncture in neurological clinic
Dr. Lu offers acupuncture therapy in downtown St. Petersburg, FL
Neurological diseases comprise a wide spectrum of abnormalities in nerve structure, brain biochemistry, or peripheral nerve function. These disruptions can lead to a range of symptoms, including pain, muscle weakness, cognitive changes, and eventual loss of function. As the world’s population continues to age, the incidence of these devastating diseases is increasing.
What Happens
Although the pathogenesis of different neurological diseases varies, they all share many common pathogenic features, such as neurotransmitter abnormalities, protein accumulation, neuronal apoptosis, and synaptic loss.
Acupuncture is a traditional form of healing that originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. By inserting needles into specific points on the body, acupuncture is believed to unblock and balance the flow of Qi, promoting healing and restoring health. As a supplement to other modalities, acupuncture can play an important role in neurology, especially neurodegenerative diseases.
There is no unified theory of acupuncture. Multiple studies suggest that acupuncture may work by one or several of the following mechanisms:
Inhibiting the accumulation of toxic proteins
Modulating energy supply based on glucose metabolism
Depressing neuronal apoptosis
Improving cerebral blood flow and metabolism
Regulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Enhancing neural plasticity
Affecting synaptic structural remodeling
Clinical Use
New evidence supports the benefits of acupuncture in the following conditions:
Alzheimer’s disease
Autonomic neuropathy
Balance issues
Bell’s palsy
Multiple sclerosis
Overactive bladder
Parkinson’s disease
Restless leg syndrome
Spastic conditions
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Acupuncture in St. Pete
Overall, acupuncture can be a safe and effective treatment option for people with neurological disorders. It is a non-invasive and inexpensive modality that can help to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life. Contact Point of Cure Acupuncture and Electromedicine to schedule your complimentary session.
Chen, C., Lu, L., Tang, C., Lee, M. S., & Xu, N. (2023). Editorial: Application and evaluation of acupuncture in the treatment of neurological diseases. Frontiers in neurology, 14, 1201234.
Guo, X., & Ma, T. (2019). Effects of Acupuncture on Neurological Disease in Clinical- and Animal-Based Research. Frontiers in integrative neuroscience, 13, 47.
Miao, C., Li, X., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Effect of acupuncture on BDNF signaling pathways in several nervous system diseases. Frontiers in neurology, 14, 1248348.
Dr. Elias Lu, DTCM is an acupuncture physician with Point of Cure Acupuncture and Electromedicine. In practice for over 25 years, he integrates traditional Chinese medicine with modern functional therapies to help people with chronic pain, trauma, neurodegenerative disorders, anxiety, depression, and many other life's challenges.
Brain Repatterning
Acupoint injection
Compounded creams
Dry needling
IM injections
Lymphatic detoxification
Microwave resonance
Neural therapy
Oxygen therapy
PEMF acupuncture
Scalp acupuncture
TCM acupuncture
Trigger point injection
Vagal nerve stimulation