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Hallway Waiting Area

Action Plan - Register & Schedule



Before you can proceed with booking an appointment, I must create a health record for you. Expect an email or text from me with a link to register online. If you prefer paper, you have this option as well – follow this link to the Forms page. You will need to download 5 documents (##2, 3, 4, 5, 6), fill them out, and somehow (email?) get them to me. Keep in mind that going the paper route may slow things down a bit. Then I need to review them and transfer the information into the electronic records. Takes time.


Therefore, I do ask that you at least give online registration a try. I tried to make the forms relevant and intuitive. Do read them before signing – you should understand my practice philosophy and policies. If you have trouble navigating things, consider asking someone (a family member?) for help. The good thing is that you have to do this only once: booking all consecutive appointments will be a breeze!





This step can be done online. Follow the link in the email (or text) you will have received, select the date and time, and you are all set.





Before Appointment

Come well hydrated. I do not recommend treatments after a heavy meal, when hungry or extremely tired. Wear loose-fitting clothes that provide easy access to the treatment area. Avoid skin lotions or strong fragrances on the day of treatment. And most importantly, give yourself plenty of time to receive and “process” acupuncture.


Bring a Friend (or two)

Feel free to bring an emotional support person (a friend, significant other, spouse). I welcome observers. Please note that I do not employ assistants. It’s you and me in a rather small treatment studio. Having a chaperone (especially if you a female) is probably a good idea.


Arrive on Time

Plan on coming 10 minutes early to find parking and get to the third floor of our office building (the elevators are notoriously slow). If you happen to arrive late (more than 10 minutes), your appointment will have to be rescheduled (and yes, you forfeit the appointment deposit). Regardless of when you arrive, the visit must end on time in consideration of other patients.


Choose the Package

Click to open a PDF document listing our “offerings.”


Add Extras

Acupuncture point injection                                          $36

Vitamin booster injection                                                $36

Compounded Rx creams for pain (prescription)      $54


Please keep in mind that insurance does not cover these modalities. If you decide to add them to your acupuncture session, you will be required to pay at the time of service.


Get Ready

Take all personal belongings with you back into the treatment room. Turn off your cell phone. Open your mind.





Between two to three days after the visit, I like to follow up with my patients – to see make sure they are doing better and answer any questions. Please rest assured that I will not use this opportunity to push for more visits. Remember: how often you come is entirely up to you.


Now that you are an existing patient in good standing, you can use our scheduling app to book another visit. That said, it’s always a good idea to give me a heads up (via email) before scheduling a visit: at times, the online calendar may not reflect my current availability correctly.

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